Google Street View - Good or Bad ?

I went onto Google Street View and checked out Google's newest gadget. I searched up my address and I could see the front of my house. I looked around my neighbourhood and I could see properly all the roads, streets, houses, buildings, etc... There are certain advantages and disadvantages to Google's new gadget. Advantages would be convenient. People who are searching up an address or location using Google Street View, they are able to view a visual image of the surrounding area, so they will have an image of the location they are looking for and make that location easier to find. People may be able to find their location faster because they are already aware of what are the surroundings of their location. Other than that, there isn't much of an advantages to the Google Street View gadget. Disadvantages of Google Street View would be that there would be no privacy. People's faces, homes, and cars would be shown through the Web. Even though, faces and license plates would be blurred out, I think it's still wrong to reveal images like that on the Web, whether it's blurred out or not!

It's just not right for Google to post and reveal these personal images on the Web where anyone is able to have access to it. How people look, their homes, and license plate numbers of cars is considered as personal information, as you would have to register and get access to them through some kind of government. According to the "Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)", it is addressed to the collection and storage of personal information. It allows individuals the right to see and/or correct any information about them. Under the privacy law guidelines, personal information can only be collected if (1) you have the person's consent in order to have their personal information, (2) collected for a reasonable reason, (3) used only for the reason it was gathered, (4) accurate and up to date, (5) it's allowed to be opened by the person and be inspected by them, (5) and make sure the information is safe and secure. Google taking pictures of people's personal information; looks, houses, cars, license plate numbers is against the privacy law and they shouldn't have the right to post images of it onto the Web without their consent. Blurring an image doesn't make that image unrecognizable; people may still see some resemblance.

Personally, I don't think that Google Street View is a good idea. I will agree that it will make it easier and faster for people to find their location if they know the surrounding area, but it isn't an effective way to have your own privacy. Everyone should have their own privacy. They have a choice of whether or not to reveal personal information to the public. Google did not receive permission to post personal information onto the Web and by doing that it is against Canada's Privacy Law. Google Street View reveals personal information about people and it's not the right thing to do. I for one would not want my personal information to be revealed on the Web, as anyone who uses the gadget will be able to view it and use it for unknown purposes that may potentially end up harming you.