Dove and Axe, Two opposing messages, but both from the same company

In my opinion, Dove Campaign for Real Beauty is an organization that has a really good meaning behind it. Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty started in 2004 and it continues to expand and reach many more viewers from all around the world today. The mission of Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty is to make women more beautiful by widening stereotypical views of beauty. Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty was to make women realize that those who are beautiful are not those who are thin, young and blonde. Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty wants to tell women out there that you don't have to be thin and/or young in order to be beautiful. I think that this campaign is a really good idea. It allows women from all around the world to get the idea that all women are beautiful in their own way. The way the media portrays beautiful women is thin, young, beautiful skin, beautiful hair, and/or famous. The way the media portrays women is not right. All women are beautiful in their own way. Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty allows women to discuss the way women are portrayed in the media. Women need to improve their OWN definition of beauty. They can't listen to what the media says about beauty because they have it all wrong. The media only cares about making money, they don't care about what you think about yourself, they only care about capturing your attention about their idea of "beauty" and try to sell you their products/service. Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty is a good way for women to realize that they are all beautiful in their own way and they shouldn't listen to what the media says.

I think that the Axe Effect Campaign in a way is looking down on women. The Axe Effect Campaign is telling the public that when men spray on Axe Body Spray, they will have women coming at your from different directions. This isn't true at all! The Axe Effect Campaign is too exaggerated. When you show a commercial with a man spraying axe body spray and a whole group of women running up to him, it makes it really hard to believe that something like that will actually happen. The Axe Effect Campaign just makes me feel like that company's today will do anything (no matter how exaggerated it is) just to promote their product to the public and make people buy more of their product, so they could earn as much money as they could.

Compared to Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty and the Axe Effect Campaign, they both have opposite opinions about what they want to say to the public. The thing with Dove and Axe having two opposite opinions of what they have to say is that they are owned by the same company; Unilever. Personally, I don't think that there's a problem with Dove and Axe having two different opinions, but owned by the same company. As long as Dove and Axe remain separate companies with each separate company keeping up their own beliefs. Dove should keep up their campaign for real beauty by releasing different phases of advertising real beauty, continue to improve women's definition of real beauty, and to improve the way women are portrayed in media today. Axe should not have anything to do with what Dove is doing, both of the companies have different opinions, that should not be mixed together. The way The Axe Effect Campaign is portraying women is the way that needs to be changed. Axe is portraying women like they need men in their life. Women being portrayed in the Axe Effect Campaign commercials and advertisements needs to be changed, as that is the wrong way to portray women and that is what Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty is trying to do. Each of the individual companies; Dove and Axe have their own, but different beliefs and values towards what they are trying to accomplish in their campaign. They should have their own opinions on how they want to do things and never let each others beliefs and values affect their company.


Sarah B. January 18, 2010 at 8:07 PM  

I totally respect your opinion on this topic! Dove's campaign for Real Beauty is sending out a really positive message. The Axe commercials tend to be exaggerated and the way women are portrayed in them should definitely be reconsidered.

CAITLINN January 20, 2010 at 10:16 AM  

'Women need to improve their OWN definition of beauty.'
I think you said that really well. Even though Dove is advertising real beauty, we might just be following what they're saying... If that makes any sense. Women (and men) definitely need to learn self-confidence and accept the bodies and minds they were born with.

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