Eating healthy has now become the major issue in the world. The government, health departments, school boards, even fast food restaurants like McDonald's are trying to promote healthy eating. Companies are now trying to use a scare campaign in hopes to scare people from eating junk food and drinking pop. When I saw the video that the New York Health Department released in hopes to turn people away from drinking pop, I was really surprised and disgusted. I know that drinking pop is very unhealthy as half of the drink is ALL sugar, so that's why I never really drink pop. I would occasionally have pop, like once every three months. When I do drink pop, I don't even finish a regular can. I am only able to drink half of the can, so I can't say that the video helps me in becoming a healthier person, when I don't even drink pop regularly. Yes, I would say that
the growing obesity in our nation is due to the large porportions of foods that is being offered nowadays. Most places (mostly fast food) are now offering foods and drinks in larger sizes (larger than the original "large.") In return, people are actually buying these larger proportions of foods and drinks. People continue eating these larger than large sizes of fast food and pop has caused people in the world to gain bigger in weight, therefore causing obesity. Obesity has now become more common in younger children. Younger children who are obese tend to have bad health problems later in life. It's important to maintain a healthy life when you're young, so that when you grow older, you'll have fewer complications, in terms of health.
If Canada does put a tax on pop, I don't think that I would continue to spend money on buying pop or chips. I'm a person that does not drink a lot of pop or eat a lot of chips. I would only eat them occasionally, so the tax on pop and chips wouldn't really affect me. Truthfully, I think that this is one tax that will be able to help people. Putting tax on pop and chips may actually affect people's choice in whether or not they will continue to purchase pop and chips. There are already a lot of taxes on all the items that we purchase everyday. People wouldn't want to pay more on top of the tax they have currently. If I did drink pop everyday and Canada decided to put a tax on pop, I wouldn't want to spend more money on something that isn't even healthy for you.
Taxing Pop? Is it really the solution to all our problems?
Posted by
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
'I would occasionally have pop, like once every three months.'
My goodness... are you serious?
But good for you! I, too, don't think I live too much of an unhealthy lifestyle... Taxing pop and chips would definitely promote healthier living for us all.
Stephanie! :) Hi!
So wow, I'm like the complete opposite of you. Not only in the past have I drank a can a day (I stopped thankfully), but I am an absolute chip lover!
When you said, "Most places (mostly fast food) are now offering foods and drinks in larger sizes (larger than the original "large.") In return, people are actually buying these larger proportions of foods and drinks" I only agree with you partly. In my opinion, prices are raising but food proportions are indeed getting smaller. By my reasoning, I think that restaurants and fast food chains are constantly handing out flyers and such promoting and giving discounts. This attracts local citizens to their restaurant because of their good deals.
Although this is an extremely old ad, I was referring to something like this:
ps, continue pursuing a healthy lifestyle! (lol)
I don't really drink/eat that much junk food like chips or pop that much either, but I do often have take-out which is still considered oily and unhealthy. The society today is definitely really unhealthy. For example, my little sister who's only three probably drinks more pop than me on a daily basis. Since she is very little, she doesn't know what the effects and health issues which are considered when drinking it (and wouldn't listen if we explain to her either). Maybe if I show her the video it would perhaps help (but then again...I don't want to make her cry...)
Hii Stephanie,
WOW! You don't like to drink pop or eat chips? Well, I guess you do have your point on why you don't like them as much. Out of the whole blog, I think what shock me the most was "I don't think that I would continue to spend money on buying pop or chips." That's just really surprising, I don't really think I can think of anyone who can live on without any sweets. I mean, too much is bad for you, but because there might be extra tax to it, it doesn't mean you should stop. But, that IS my opinion.
Anyways, nice blog post.
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