Fashion and magazine companies have been manipulated by Photoshop. Fashion and magazine companies have been taking pictures of models and/or celebrities and have been using Photoshop to make their appearance amazingly stunning. By doing that, fashion companies are trying to lure people to think that by wearing those clothes you will be able to look that fit or thin, so people would go out and buy some. Manipulating photos in magazines would increase people's attention to their image and that would make people want to buy their magazine, in order to find out more about what the models or celebrities are promoting. Fashion and magazine companies have been doing this so often that no one will believe it anymore. Photoshop is so well known to people these days that they know that fashion and magazines companies use it a lot on their photos of models and celebrities that it no longer gets the attention like it used to.
Photoshop has gone wrong many times before. People have compared it with other pictures and noticed the difference. A recent example of a Photoshopped image going wrong would be Demi Moore. In the December 2009 issue of W Magazine, it is
clearly visible that Demi Moore's hip has been slimmed down with the help of Photoshop. This controversy just shows that Photoshop is used very often and is very popular among variety of magazines.
I don't like the way fashion and magazine companies portray their models and celebrities using Photoshop. It doesn't make them look real. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and they don't need the help of computers and Photoshop. When I see magazines on the stands or in the store and see how the models or celebrities are really really thin, I think to myself how that is very unlikely that those models or celebrities are actually THAT thin. It's just not normal or healthy for people to be that thin. Companies that use Photoshop to make pictures of their models and celebrities look thinner and more beautiful is wrong. These companies are overdoing it with Photoshop on their models and celebrities. People are starting to take notice of what they're doing it and started to complain. Companies are ALSO taking notice that the Photoshop they use on models and celebrities don't work anymore. They need a new method of advertising their products and making it appealing to others. Their new method of advertising their products would be through models who have no make-up on, whatsoever and have not been manipulated by Photoshop. Fashion and magazine companies are using "normal" people to help promote their products, instead of those models and celebrities who wear a lot of make-up and their photos have been touched by Photoshop. I think that this trend will stick around from a long time. I would think that people would like the idea of using people who are not models or models and celebrities with no make-up or Photoshop added to them. It gives them a more natural feeling that they are accepting their bodies the way it is. Now, when I see magazines with models and celebrities who don't have Photoshop or make-up added to their picture, it gives me a better feeling of looking at these magazines, instead of being bothered by the models and celebrities who are being Photoshopped. I will admit that even though it may feel strange in the beginning to see models and celebrities not having make-up on and being Photoshopped, but people will be able to adapt to it. They will find that this new method of models and celebrities not having make-up on and Photoshopped to be "normal" and refreshing.
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Say N-O, NO to Photoshop!
Posted by
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I agree, when I see a super skinny actress on the cover of a magazine, I compare her to when she was on some award show or in a movie. When they Photoshop the models slimmer, they REALLY make them slimmer to the point where it's funny how obvious it is. I understand that they might feel the need to edit the photos, but I definitely think they don't need to make it so extreme.
+ that Photoshop fail made me laugh :)
Agreed! Nice example by the way.
Honestly these people, these models are fine the way they are - they ended up in the fashion industries because of their bodies in the first place! Gosh. And yeah, these models are too skinny, how is almost dying and probably not eating beautiful? It's just too narrow, this view of beauty. Yeah it is weird to see non-glamored models in magazines, but hey, majority of the people around us aren't wearing make up, and they're beautiful the way they are.
Somebody should start a magazine with natural models.
A little photoshop touch up is fine, like a little more lighting here, more cheek colour here - but that's how far it should go.
Agree agree Stephanie! :D
I agree, photoshop somehow allows the image of the model or the person to become unreal. They are fine the way they are and should be photographed naturally without any alterations to their body or size, etc. If models and photographs were taken this way then people would not have to feel bad about the way they look and they would not want to be more thin. I believe photoshop can be a very useful tool, but it shouldn't be used to majorly alter the image of somebody's body.
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